Hi, everyone!

I wanted to share some recent success that one our clients – Patty – has had with her health journey.

With a goal of slimming down and getting rid of brain fog, Patty made some small changes in her diet about a month ago, after reading Dr. Steven Gundry's research on diet and health.

She started eating healthy fats, like walnuts and avocados, and cut out white flour and white sugar, using almond flour and xylitol instead. She said she's now cooking with olive, avocado and coconut oils and eating more eggs. She's increased her intake of vegetables and sweet potatoes and cut out processed foods, whole grains and pastas. 

Quoting Dr. Grundry, she said "What you don't eat is more important than what you do eat."

Additionally, per Dr. Gundry's recommendation, she stopped taking Excedrin and Motrin and is taking turmeric and curcumin for muscle soreness, which she said is working just as well. 

With just a few changes to her diet paired with her workouts at Strength School, Patty has lost 15 pounds in the last 4 weeks and said she feels better than ever. Her friends and family have commented how great she looks and that they've noticed her slimming down. 

One thing I hope everyone can take from Patty's success is that what you put in your body is just as important as the workouts we do in the gym. It can help you get closer to feeling and moving better than ever. 
