Two Unusual Tricks to Lower Calories for Faster Weight Loss

Two Unusual Tricks to Lower Calories for Faster Weight Loss

To lose weight, we have to drop our calories at some point - and the only way to lower calories is to eat less food and/or drink less cokes, pop, milk, and other calorie-dense drinks. But if it was that easy to lose weight, we would not have the overweight and obesity epidemic that we have right now in America. I want to share two unusual tricks to lower calories for faster weight loss in this article.

The Most Common Way to Lose Weight is Calorie Restriction

Although the most commonly prescribed way to lose weight by doctors and physicians is calorie restriction (lowering your calories), we all still struggle to follow through with that type of diet plan. Or, we may lower our food intake to drop calories for a few weeks, maybe a few months if we are truly dedicated to a better body, but eventually most people fail to stick with a low-calorie diet for the long-term, even though it is effective and proven to help us all drop body fat and look better in our clothes and at the beach.

Low Calorie Diets Are Not All The Same

Fortunately for all the chronic dieters out there, and everyone else who wants to know how to drop some belly fat, not all low calorie diets are the same. The most common way to drop calories is by calculating your daily caloric expenditure and then subtracting about 500 calories from that. If there are 3,500 calories in a pound of fat, then you should lose about one pound of body fat each week. A second way to restrict your food and calories is with calorie cycling - most days you eat less calories than you need, but a few days you may actually take in more calories than you need. The idea here is that the high calorie days will keep your metabolism from slowing down, which does happen with long-term calorie deficit diets. 

New Tricks and Tips to Drop Calories for Body Fat Reduction

Here are two unusual strategies for eating less food, thereby dropping your calories. These are not crash diets, they are not intended for long-term use, and they are not necessarily the best way for you to lose weight. Every person is different, with a unique body structure, body fat percentage, metabolism, genetics, heritage, food intolerances and allergies, and health history. The key to losing weight and keeping it off, while remaining in good health, is to experiment and try different diets and weight loss strategies, under the supervision of your physician, and tracking your results. First I will discuss using amino acid powders for weight loss. Then we’ll talk about an old-school dietary supplement, dessicated liver pills, and how to use those for losing inches.

Amino Acids for Weight Loss

My first uncommon tip to drop calories for body fat loss is to use an amino acid supplement to replace your protein foods. We all know that protein in the diet is important - it helps build and maintain muscle mass, along with many other important functions in the body. We do not want to lower protein too much, even when we are trying to lose some belly fat and reduce our weight. However, every time we eat a protein-rich food, we are adding lots of calories. For example, lean ground beef, chicken breast, tuna, eggs, and milk are all good sources of protein - but they all have lots of calories too, because there are many grams of fat in each serving along with the beneficial grams of protein. One solution is amino acid supplements - such as branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) or essential amino acids (EAAs). They do all the jobs that protein from beef, chicken, eggs, and other whole foods would do in your body, but they carry zero calories. If you replace your protein at one, maybe two, meals each day, you will lower your calories but maintain muscle mass and strength.

Dessicated Beef Liver Supplements for Weight Loss and Body Fat

Second, use liver tablets. Dessicated beef liver tablets are small tablets or pills, about the size of a large vitamin pill, made from the liver of cows. Sounds a bit gross, right? Well, the way that the liver tablets are made prevents you from tasting anything. Plus, they have virtually no smell either. Liver tablets provide a great source of protein without any fat and very low calories. They work very similarly to amino acid supplements in providing the protein you need without any extra calories. Liver tablets have the added bonus of carrying lots of vitamins and minerals, especially fat-soluble vitamins, which amino acid powders do not have. You can use liver caps as a substitute for your normal protein-heavy foods at 1-2 meals a day to lower calories and help weight loss.

Beef liver pills are actually an old-school supplement used by bodybuilders since the Golden Era of bodybuilding in the 1960s and 1970s. People like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Franco Columbo, Vince Gironda, and Lou Ferrigno used liver tablets by the handful, 15-20 at a time or more. They believed that the liver tablets helped them increase muscle mass and strength. You can use liver capsule supplements as a way to maintain a good level of protein in your diet while lowering your total calories. When you do that, you should see some belly fat decreases along with your overall body weight and body fat percentage drop.


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